Wednesday, December 16, 2015

*SPOILERS* WWE SmackDown Tapings for 12/17/15

WWE World Heavyweight Champion Roman Reigns opens SmackDown talking about how good it felt to win the title on Monday and how it was it so great to win on his daughter's birthday. Reigns says he doesn't think he has many days left in WWE. Sheamus interrupts and says he's happy for Roman, pointing out how it's been longer than 5 minutes and 15 seconds. Sheamus says it won't be much longer until he wins the title back. "You look stupid" chants break out. Sheamus tells them to respect the hawk. Sheamus says there is an investigation going on in regards to Reigns and he can't fight or make any appearances, or be in this building tonight. Roman says to
come and make him leave. Security guards come out and Reigns destroys them.

* Ryback vs. WWE United States Champion Alberto Del Rio is next in a good back and forth non-title match. Ryback hits the Meathook and goes for Shellshocked but Rusev, Sheamus and King Barrett interfere. Del Rio takes advantage and hits the cross armbreaker on Ryback for the win. After the match, the League of Nations beats Ryback down. Sheamus hits a Brogue Kick and Rusev puts him in The Accolade.

* The Lucha Dragons vs. The New Day is advertised for later. There's a backstage segment with Tyler Breeze and Summer Rae talking about his match with Titus O'Neil. Goldust creeps around from behind and Summer sprays hairspray in his mouth.

* Titus O'Neil defeated Tyler Breeze with Clash of the Titus. Goldust came down during the match and sat with Summer in her VIP section. Goldust was taking selfies with Breeze's selfie stick and distracted him with it, leading to Titus getting the win.

* Backstage segment with Dean Ambrose talking about the beatdown he got from Kevin Owens on RAW.

* They show highlights from TLC with the ECW Originals and The Wyatt Family. Bray Wyatt cuts a promo.

* The Lucha Dragons defeated The New Day (Kofi Kingston and Xavier Woods) in a non-title match. Sin Cara and Kalisto controlled early. Big E tried to play the trombone but it wouldn't work. Woods distracted the referee and Big pulled Cara off the apron at one point. Cara came back in and dived onto Woods and Big E. Kalisto grabbed Kofi from the corner and rolled him up for the win.

* Backstage segment with Dolph Ziggler talking about Kevin Owens.

* Becky Lynch defeated Brie Bella by submission. Team BAD came out during the match with "unity" signs. They took seats behind the announcers and the "we want Sasha" chants started up. WWE Divas Champion Charlotte comes out and trips Brie while Becky has the referee distracted. Becky then gets the win.

* Backstage segment with Charlotte and Becky. Becky doesn't think Charlotte thinks she can win on her own.

* Dolph Ziggler defeated Kevin Owens by DQ in the main event when Owens threw him over the announce table. Owens dominated most of the match and went for a pop-up powerbomb at one point but Ziggler countered with Sweet Chin Music. Owens kicked out and then they went to the floor and the DQ happened. Ziggler came back but Owens threw him into the steel steps. Owens went to powerbomb Ziggler into the steps but Dean Ambrose came out and they brawled. Owens escaped and walked away. Ziggler was being helped to the back by referees when Owens superkicked him. Ambrose chased Owens to the stage and they had a staredown. Ambrose checked on Ziggler but Ziggler superkicked Ambrose. Owens laughed at them both as SmackDown goes off the air with both Ambrose and Ziggler down.

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